Thursday, July 03, 2008

THE Dress

Everybody's getting married ...

so am i ........

NOT yet. =.= !

Have been googling around for the perfect dress IF my big day was around the corner. The only ones that captured my interests were the designer pieces that oozes sheer simplicity and elegance and luxe. I've been "married" a billion times and have yet to "meet" the perfect gown that I fell in love. Bridal shops usually will display their top pieces for their exhibitions and shows, they're beautiful, but somehow something was missing somewhere.

A few pieces that caught my attention ...

I love this piece so much from VeraWang.
Also from Vera ..
From CarolinaHerrera ..I think it's pretty .. but Eds thinks it looks like a cupcake.

And alot more from Carolina Herrera which I got so confused which to post here.

Perhaps my preference will change in the future. *wink* Loads of "marriage" jobs this month .. who knows I might stumble across one. Hope I have enough time to camwhore backstage .. have been missing doing that in a while now.

There's a couple of good designers featured in the SATC movie. But why the hell did Carrie pick the VivienneWestwood one?? No offence but I think it looks hideous.

(1) The cup area so totally don't compliment any body size or shape.
(2) It's not elegant or pretty or whatever description a bridal gown should be. Looks like some project made from recycled brown bags.
(3) Turquoise bird head piece? Langgar.
(4) Everybody will hate me for hating everything about this gown.

Don't misunderstand me. I LOVE Carrie ... but I love Samantha more *hehe* .. and I LOVE Sex And The City. This picture really caught me off guard and I think she's damn muscular lor!

Brides-to-be out there .. don't overdo the work-out .. you'll accidentally end up looking like that ! So not flattering.


life of boo... said...

damn. carrie is so muscular!

Anonymous said...

first one from Vera is gorgeous!
faster get married la, i make replica for u ;)

u gotta admit the Carolina Herrera one does look cupcake-ish..or muffin-ish?

Jamieternity said...

you make for me aa ??? sponsored ??? when u say "i make replica for you" .. i'm assuming ur gonna get the best gownmaker you can find in malaysia and pay for it ... and not going through the whole sewmaking urself.
ehehehhee ...

pretty hor .....
