(if BigOne's reading this, he'll do his signature "W" whatever sign).
BigOne refuses to agree with me that we somehow look alike .. at least a wee bit.
I simply adore her .. and men jez hold their breaths when she walk past.
Taking pictures everywhere on Orchard.
No offence peeps .. but I felt like we're foreign workers hanging out on Orchard on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Come on, locals don't do that. And yea, people from JB are considered local.
Shoe shopping frenzy.
My beloved from the capital F. And they all came in my size.
Move along before I whine further.
Irristable heels at Aldo at irrisistable discounts.
So yummy you can jez chew all of em.
* * *
Nic finally came down to JB too. He's so terrified about the safety here after being incredibly brainwashed by his colleagues. It's being overrated. I survived here for more than a decade .. can't be that bad rite. *consoling myself*
As wretched as this city might be, I was able to bring him to a decent restaurant that served decent food. Gianni's at Jalan Serampang. My weekend restaurant with BigOne. We're not very creative in ordering and we're also very "faithful" to our food, hence the usuals. Save the headache.
Al tonno salad, Quarttro formaggio pizza with turkey ham, and Carbonara.
We're so stuffed to even have room for tiramisu. Next weekend maybe (which so happens to be today!)
Kinda sad that I have to cancel my trip up with SookWei next weekend due to the wedding expo at Persada. Was looking forward to some major fun with Nic. Rekindling of childhood. Very hesitant about it .. but Nic insisted that we'll do it next time ... he kept reminding me "Earning money is more important!"
* * *
Cameron's finally back to JB.
After 2 months the pics are finally posted up on facebook. Abit too late rite!
I know it'll be ages before you actually make your way back here again. And it'll be long before I actually quit my job and fly over for a 3 month parasiting holiday over at your continent.
I still have a picture of all of us taken at your farewell party before you left us for 11 years before your comeback. Look at how much we have grown.
Taken in 1997. The SKST gang.
(L-R at the back): Xavier, Joel, Andrea
(L-R in the front): Akhbar, Cam, Moi, I-LingSome 11 years after ...
(L-R): Jansen (who's also from the same batch), Andrea, Cam, Xavier, Moi .. and Joel in the front.
Jansen and Andrea have been dating for years. Sweet isn't it. People who actually date their childhood sweethearts don't exist anymore. Childhood i.e. dated back to primary school. Now beat that !
* * *
Babe-Jasmine turns 26.
Sorry for the belated wishes ...
Happy Belated Birthday Babe!
My mom was asking why don't I ever throw a party anymore for my birthdays. I prolly might just next year ... but thinking the hassle of it jez puts me off on the idea.
Taken last year ...Reenactment in 2008.
There's some very obvious aging going on. Scared !
* * *
Sorry for the picture entry that seems so pointless. Everything is so outdated that needs to all go out or never.
1 comment:
Best movie of the year:
Simply breathtaking! You just got to see it!
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