Been back to my so-called kampung (hometown) over the weekend to give my blessings to my cousin Ah-Soon gor-gor. I have been so enthusiastic about this trip for the longest time ever .. well, always enthusiastic about every trip back to Penang, that I just realized I booked my ticket back like some 5 months ago. Don't have a choice, being a cheapo, you just have to be a lil kiasu when it comes to budget airlines. On the contrary, if anyone would have sponsored my flight by generously offering me a first/business class ticket, I would still go with AirAsia .. coz I won't be an idiot to do the whole transit thingy which triples the traveling time.
Tiring Tiring trip .. my parents have been nagging at me since day one like a child that I get enough sleep. Mumzy dearie .. I'm old enough to take care of myself. I will recouperate from any sleep deprivation when I have to. The trip was too short and I fully utilize every single minute I was there. But it did made me realized that I ain't that young anymore and my body isn't that hyper-energetic like college kids no more.
The Newly-Weds. I've met the Mrs every single year during CNY and now it's official. New addition to the Saw family .. and YAY ! additional ang-pow next year! *teeheehee*
A.K.A. Tua-Ee .. Sa-Ee .. Ji-Ee
I do not normally bleach my face with make up, nor do I semangat set my hair for some dinner. But I came straight from the bridal show job I itchy-fide took on which explains why I look exaggerated for this humble wedding reception. Point is .. I have tinted-Green contacts on. Have been wanting to try on for the longest time ever .. and now I broke my virginity .. at least there was "protection". We had to put the contacts on for the show to make us more pan-asian .. don't think it really helps though. But I haven't gotten used to it and it was irritating the hell of me that I had to remove them. So much for wanting to lazer people with those gorgeous green blinkers.
My folks .. any resemblances?
The cuzzies ... Andy, Serena the einstein, and Sarah the cilli-padi.
I didn't expect the main introduction to be this interesting. Quite cool huh ..
.. more cuzzie .. Yao-Yao. I swore that everyone in the family calls him that, though it makes him sound really pussy'fied .. time for an upgrade! I WAS known as Ting-ger for the longest time ever .. but at least I have been upgraded to Jamie. Ok ... I still get Ting-ger occassionally ... *grunts* but cute rite??? Macam ger-ger
The food was great, prolly coz I was starved to hell from the focassia I had since 10am, but the whole ambiance of the wedding turned out to be some karaoke singing fiesta. Inevitable when both the folks are the, not mistakingly, top people in their singing club.
The only people that will be singing at my wedding will be Rozz from Bagan. That's if I marry a tycoon who loves me so to splurge RM4,000 for 4 hours + misc charges to get Miss Rozz down to wherever I am having my reception! She is unbelievably mezmerizing !!!
* * * * * *
Checked out the hottest and coolest club in town. QE II.
You just have to be here! Setting, interior, music .. MEN .. BABES .. ooh-la-la ..
Why is JB always inferior when it comes to the night scene? We may have the place .. but the people and MUSIC just ain't right .. major langgar ! And the excuse of conforming to customer's demands i.e. This-Is-What-They-Want-To-Hear, is not even a valid excuse at all. How are they gonna change?? IMPROVISE !!!! Please for the dear sake of this city!
Located at Weld Quey or the Jetty, this place plays tasteful house music. There's the outdoor area with counters overlooking the sea and lush indoor sitting area. But the best area is by the bar .. get the best of both worlds. Apparently there's a dining area at the top .. but am yet to try it out .. next trip perhaps.
Peeps ... yes, Cabana is similar ... it needs major improvision!
You people out there can stop trying to convince us to be together .. just because we can legally do so since we're related from my mum's side, doesn't mean we have to. We are that close and loving that people just don't believe we're related. Haha~My dear Wee-kor will always be there for me no matter what ! Me Heart You !
My darling ... Alan How! Me Heart You toooo ~
.. and the gorgeous LeeVince. If only all men in were this tasty. Yum~
* * * * * *
BigOne's flying of to Bangkok for his golfing escapade with the boys tonight ..
BANGKOK !!! I should be on that plane instead of him !!!
You promised BigOne ... Remember your promise !!!
*misshh youu*wink*
A whole buncha blokes on a "golfing" trip to Thailand eh..boy, you must have one hell of an unwavering trust in your man! Good on ya!
what's a relationship without trust? might as well be alone. if the man wants to wander, he will no matter how close the girl keeps him by her side.
and besides .. girls are also entitled to wander, no? notti notti . hehe ..
it takes two to make it happen :)
You're right about one thing, men and women can (and do!) "wander", as you say. In fact, some women I know are bigger philanderers than most of my mates! This is the new's all about sexual equality right!
Any guy who tells you he has never, or will never stray, is quite simply put, full of it..BS that is ;)
By the way, I have been wondering, why is he called "Big One" anyway?
It's not some kind of "naughty" reason is it!?! I mean, it does take an uber confident man to nick himself that..
buahahahhaha~ you nearly got me falling of my chair rite there.
HELL NO~ BigOne is not a nick given due to any reason whatsoever of physical attributes~ and I can imagine if some sick man would have made his gf call him BigOne to boost "his" ego. buahahahahah~~~
he calls me LittleOne since the day I met him .. but it has changed over time now~
LOL :) I know it's nothing to do with his "ego" ;p I was only trying to be cheeky..
Anyway, happy for you to be in a good relationship :)
I'm off for 2 weeks (Europe cancelled..sigh), hope to see some interesting posts on your blog when I get have a wonderful weekend now alright!
if Europe's cancelled, then where's the new destination? Hope you'll have fun .. am sure you will! cheerios~
would love to do your wedding honey just contact me when you are ready to get married.
i am neither that expensive not that mesmerizing.
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