Tuesday, May 04, 2010


I've been stalked by a series of horrible nightmares for a few weeks now. It's disturbing .. and quality sleep not achieved. Thank God this doesn't happen every single night. But yet, frequent enough for me to feel it's stalking me. The weird part is .. I have a clear memory of the entire dream when I wake, and weirder part, I sometimes am conscious in my dream .. like "hey .. this is a dream .. cool !

The frequency of monstrous/ghostly dreams have so frequent that I'm no longer scared in them. Sure there's a slight fear, but not like hair pulling shrieking scary. In one of it, I saw a ghost through a reflection in the mirror .. and I can only see it that way. I did multiple tries to reconfirm it. Then went to my dad and told him, "Dad ... there's a ghost in my room .. come take a look." And that's what we did .. and I remembered the conversation to be something like "Ya hor .. really got ler ..."

Then there was the back to school nightmares ... where I did not study for an exam. Back then, when I did not study well .. I would still have my way in scribbling out something out of logic to answer the tests. But this was a whole different scenario. A subject I had not a single clue. Add-Maths. (I'm Arts Major) And another was having to do 5 Malay essays, one of which was a debate. There was the standard procedure for the opening speech .. I totally lost it. Haha !

Then yesterday I had the a horrible bizarre dream that I was sentenced to life imprisonment for whatever that I did. Before I was sent to jail .. I went to shoot someone at point blank out of revenge .. doesn't make a difference coz I'm sentenced to life anyways. But when I was being transported, that was the horrible part. The thought that I couldn't see my family and loved ones forever .. OMFG .. that's worst than death. I remembered crying so badly while texting my brother that I loved him and all .. the sadness was uncontainable. See .. your sis DOES love you. It's so disturbingly sad that I woke up crying and it sorta traumatized me a little for the day.

Does anyone know the interpretations of dreams? Some say that it's a way of saying out loud our deepest thoughts and worries. I somehow feel there's a mojo to it .. in a superstitious way that there's a presence from the neither world. Or perhaps a way of telling me that something bad's coming .. like some dejavu flash forward kinda thing. Or maybe just too much TV, games and the internet.

Or just .... just maybe ...... I NEED A NEW BED !!!

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